Christine Schlegel Lärmende Stille
Christine Schlegel, Verloren, 1988, Öl auf Leinwand © Christine Schlegel, Foto: Tobias Tanzyna
Sie beleuchtet über Malerei, Collagen und Filme das Œuvre der Künstlerin und ihre ost-west-ost-deutsche Biografie sowie die Poesie ihrer radikalen, feministischen Haltung, die Eingang in ihr Werk gefunden hat.
In Kooperation mit den Städtischen Museen Dresden
The solo exhibition of the Dresden-born artist, who left the GDR in the 1980s and returned to her hometown in the 1990s, spans the period from the 1970s to the early 2000s.
Through paintings, collages and films, the exhibition illuminates the artist’s oeuvre and her East-West-East German biography as well as the poetry of her radical, feminist stance, which has found its way into her work.
In cooperation with the Städtische Museen Dresden